How to Swim Freestyle

So glad it's like this time can share articles about Freestyle swimming pool cover: Understanding Swimming freestyle, Basic Techniques, and the Freestyle Swimming Tips Properly and Efficiently. Please read more .

A. The Sense Of Swimming Freestyle
Swimming freestyle swimming is done by face-down posture and movement of the legs resembles the motion of a frog. Swimming required the mastery of basic techniques. For example, gliding, moving the arm and leg, as well as taking a breath. The hallmark of freestyle is the entire members of the Agency are in one straight line. The second movement of the arm is on the surface of the water. This style is the fastest style in swimming.

B. Basic Freestyle Swimming Techniques
The basic techniques that must be mastered in freestyle swimming is as follows.

1. The position of the body in the pool
The position of the body at the time of swimming freestyle should average water (streamline) starting from the feet to the head.

2. Exercise slide

How to do this as follows.
a. Standing on the edge of the pool and one foot stuck on the wall of the pool.
b. Agency in parallel with the surface of the water the humpback and the second arm is straightened out.
c. Repulsion legs that stick to the wall of the pool of your hardest and keep body straight.
d. Maintain the position of the legs and arms remain straight parallel with the surface of the water until it stops. So don't take my breath during coasting in a State.
e. Do over and over again until it has the speed and far into the future.

3. The movement of the foot

How to do this as follows.
a. foot Movement Exercises can be done simultaneously at the time of exercise slide.
b. or by standing facing the wall of the pool, both hands holding on to the walls of the pool.
c. both legs straightened out behind him with a body face-down position.
d. the foot is moved up and down alternately in a State of weakness (relaxed).
e. foot Movement started from the groin.

4. Hand movements

a. Exercise in place
How to do this as follows.
1) stands with dibungkukkan and second hand straight.
2) Then right hand pulled down while pressing the water until it is under the body.
3) at the time the hand up underneath the body, elbows and hands lifted skewed fast.
4) do alternately between the right and left hand.
5) do it over and over again.

b. Exercise while coasting
How to do this as follows.
1) second hand thrown forward alternately then hand paddle.
2) at the time the hand paddle, body is a little skewed.
3) so that the body can be drove straight forward, the hand goes into the pool on a second.

5. Breathing

Take a breath freestyle swimming is done in the following way.
a. take a breath with tilting head to the mouth above the water surface, then advance back overlooking the water for exhales.
b. take a breath just be tilting the head to one direction, that is to the right or left alone.
c. the movement take a breath is done simultaneously hand paddle.

6. Coordinating the movement of legs and arms

How to do this as follows.
a. Slide at the pool.
b. move the legs up and down alternately with the center of the movement in the groin.
c. Pull the right arm to the bottom of the chest with the elbows bent, and then goes on to push the right arm to the back up straight. Palms facing backwards on the side of the thigh.
d. Pull the arm upwards with elbows bent, and then insert your hands forward until straight.
e. Pull left arm down as right arm movement.
f. Arm Movement left and right alternately.

7. Coordination of arm movement and breathing

Exercise coordinating the movement of arms and take a breath is done in the following way.
a. Initial position with the slide followed the movement of the hand.
b. The movement arms are thrown forward in turn.
c. At the time rowing, head tilted to one direction to take a breath, then advance back overlooking the water to exhaling air.
d. The movement is done on an ongoing basis.

8. Coordination of the basic techniques of swimming freestyle

Basic engineering coordination exercise swimming freestyle as follows.
a. Initial position with the slide.
b. Perform complementary foot with up and down alternately.
c. The movement arm thrown forward in turn.
d. At the time the arm rowing, head tilted to one direction to take a breath, then advance back overlooking the water.

C. The Freestyle Swimming Tips

1. The ideal free style do with the position of the head in the water at all times, except when taking a breath. More and more members of the body that is above the water on when swimming freestyle, the more energy it takes to do the movement. Because, the movement will be pressing the lower body was further drowned, which means it will create obstacles that the bigger anyway.

2. As much as possible we should keep the position of the bones of the neck remains straight, parallel to the backbone, which means the position of the face should face down. It is aiming to keep the waist positions remain on the surface of the water, parallel to the head.

Remember, when you lift up your head, then automatically the waist and legs will sink. In addition, holding the head facing forward will also result in neck muscles become tired.

3. Non foot Movement style as much as possible done without bending the knee, moves all parts away simultaneously from the thigh to the soles of the feet.

4. At the time of the round hand style, make sure you also twist waist and shoulders in one motion, so you get maximum coverage, as well as facilitate you in doing hand gestures, as well as allow you to menolehkan head at the moment breathe.

5. Breath on freestyle should be done by rotating the upper body (waist, shoulders and neck) simultaneously. So, breathe in freestyle is performed by way of looking and not lifting your head, so that the position of the body against the surface of the water remains at 1 a straight line. To make sure that your head is not raised at the time to breathe, remember to hold your ear 1 remained in the water.

6. Put your breath when the face is in the water, until your lungs are nearly empty and you're ready to take the next breath. Make sure you are ready to draw breath, before you turn your head to breathe.

So a simple discussion about how to route the Swimming Freestyle

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