How to Swim Part 1

How to Swim Part 1 - Swimming could be seen scary if you've never learned to swim at all, yet it is actually possible to anyone. Play around water can be quite fun, and knowing how to swim can also save your life if you are caught in the water. All you need to do is just to feel comfortable in the water, studying the movement first, and then learn techniques that are more difficult when you're ready.

Comfortable in the Water

1. Eliminate your fear. Many people refused to learn to swim because they are afraid of drowning. Despite the sinking "could" happen, most can be avoided with simple measures. Follow the following guidelines whenever you go for a swim, and your chances of drowning are far smaller:
  • Do not swim alone. Always swim with someone who is good at swimming, or else some other people.
  • Do not start swimming in water that is moving. If you learn to swim in the sea or river, you have to be alert on the movement of water. If you have to learn to swim in this way, make sure you together with someone who is experienced, and be sure to read how to get out of the waves of the sea or river flow (below)
  • Don't swim in water that is too cold. Members of the movement of your body for paddling can be very hard to do if you're in the cold water.

2. Familiarize yourself to floating. When you are in the water, hold the tip pool, and let your legs floating on the back-foot you should be able to float easily. Practice doing this on your stomach and your back until you feel comfortable to let half of your body is floating.
  • Try floating with the back or your stomach when you're ready. Remain in shallow water, so you can stand if you can't do it. Maybe it will feel weird when your ears are in the water around the nose and mouth while You were in the air, but you'll soon get used to this. For more stable again, put your hands the proper angle id so that your body is in the form of a "T".

3. Don't panic. "Constantly" remember that there are ways of saving yourself if you are in the water or when you can't move Your body-float with your back. Do not move or breathe too fast, simply lie down with your back selurus you can, and let the water lift you while you master yourself.

4. Learning to exhale underwater. While you are still in the shallow water. take a deep breath and insert your face into the water. Slowly remove the air from your nose until you run out of breath, and lift your face out of the water.
  • If you are not comfortable removing the breath from your nose, you can close it or use cover nose and exhaling from the mouth.

5. Wear goggles (as you want). Wearing the goggles can help you feel more comfortable opening eyes underwater, and might make you able to see more clearly as well. Looking for a pair of goggles that has the frothy circles around eyes and rendamlah in the water so it will stick to your skin. Fasten the straps in the back of your head so that it is tight.

And Keep Healthy :)